Gender Affirmation Project
The Trans-ilience Research Lab is proud to partner with Allen Neighborhood Center and the MSU Triangle Bar Association to present the Gender Affirmation Project, a program that provides financial and practical assistance to transgender and nonbinary folks in Ingham County seeking to update their legal name and/or gender marker.

Raven Olguin (he/they) is a senior Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science major concentrating in Health and Society and minoring in Human Behavior and Social Services, Bioethics, and Digital Cultural Heritage and History. This is their second time working as an undergraduate research assistant with Trans-ilience. They also are in their second year serving as the RHA representative and Social Media Coordinator for MSU's Council of Students with Disabilities. Raven is passionate about disability justice and intersectionality as a queer, disabled, Latinx student and are hoping to apply to grad school for Occupational Therapy after they graduate and take a gap year. Outside of their studies and activism, they enjoy all things nerdy and creative such as reading, writing, art, video games, and D&D and academically, outside of disability issues is interested in studying online communities, particularly fandom.