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Past Research Studies

We've had a variety of research studies in our lab. Here are the projects that we've completed in terms of ongoing data collection and most research publications. Some projects we may still be working on publishing from. To read more about the papers we've written based on our research, you can also check out our Publications page.

Nonconforming man raising the transgender flag outdoors. Confident young transgender man c

Trans Health Study

This study entailed two sections: a unique daily diary study of stress, mental health, and sexual risk behaviors; a one-time survey about stress, mental health, and coping.


Researchers: Jae A. Puckett, Ph.D., and a former community board in Chicago


Overall Aims: The primary aims of this study were to evaluate daily stressors that transgender people experience and their association with mental health, substance use, and HIV risk behaviors. This study also evaluated the mechanisms or processes that explain these associations, such as internalized stigma.


What's included in this study? This study entailed 2 options: 1) a study in which participants responded to daily surveys about their experience for 8 weeks (56 days) and 2) a one-time survey for people who did not qualify for the first option. Each of these options measured unique minority stressors that transgender people experience, mental health, coping, and resilience. The daily study also assessed substance use and sexual risk behaviors. 


What's the current status of this study? The study is complete, and we are finishing up a few remaining publications from this study. 


What are the findings from this study?

A few key findings so far: 


Funders: This project was funded by National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health

Diversity and Inclusion concept. Wooden and colored figurines..jpg

Predictors of Prejudice Against Transgender People

A study on what factors predict prejudice towards transgender and gender diverse people. 


Researchers: This study was led by Dr. Jae Puckett and Cylie Hanson, a former undergraduate student who was completing her honors thesis. Dr. Zachary DuBois also collaborated with us on this study.


Overall Aims: The primary aims of this study were to examine predictors of negative attitudes towards transgender individuals.


What's included in this study? This was a brief online survey for cisgender people. We asked questions about attitudes towards transgender people, personal contact with transgender people, education about issues that impact transgender communities, and other individual experiences that may shape attitudes or levels of bias in general, such as proneness to aggression and critical consciousness. We also examined the ways in which cisgender people make meaning of gender experiences to understand how they draw boundaries around gender groups via having them define what it meant to be a man or a woman and what traits they associate with masculinity, femininity, and androgyny. 


What's the current status of this study? The study is complete and we have published the main findings.


What are the findings from this study?

  • The paper discusses key predictors of prejudice towards transgender and gender diverse people

  • This paper explores how prejudice towards transgender and gender diverse people relates to social dominance orientation and critical consciousness. 

Assembly Hall

Analysis of Public Testimony Data Regarding Access to Public Restrooms

Using public testimony data from Texas, we explored what types of arguments are presented in hearings related to transgender and gender diverse people's access to public restrooms. 


Researchers: This study was led by Dr. Jae Puckett and Aren Kurth, a former undergraduate student who was completing her honors thesis.


Overall Aims: The primary aims of this study were to analyze public testimony hearings to better understand the types of arguments presented in such legislative hearings. 


What's included in this study? We located publicly available testimony hearings from Texas and transcribed these hearings. We analyzed this qualitative data to better understand the types of arguments presented. 


What's the current status of this study? The study is complete and we have published the main findings.


What are the findings from this study?

  • Our findings from this study have been published here


Analysis of Public Testimony Data Regarding Sports Bans and Transgender Individuals 

Using public testimony data from Texas, we explored what types of arguments are presented in hearings related to transgender and gender diverse people's participation in school sports. 


Researchers: This study was led by Dr. Jae Puckett, Terra Dunn (a former undergraduate student), and Kye Campbell-Fox (lab manager).


Overall Aims: The primary aims of this study were to analyze public testimony hearings to better understand the types of arguments presented in such legislative hearings. 


What's included in this study? We located publicly available testimony hearings from Texas and transcribed these hearings. We analyzed this qualitative data to better understand the types of arguments presented. 


What's the current status of this study? The study is complete and we have published the main findings.


What are the findings from this study?

  • Our findings from this study have been published here

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