Gender Affirmation Project
The Trans-ilience Research Lab is proud to partner with Allen Neighborhood Center and the MSU Triangle Bar Association to present the Gender Affirmation Project, a program that provides financial and practical assistance to transgender and nonbinary folks in Ingham County seeking to update their legal name and/or gender marker.

Jae A. Puckett, Ph.D.
Trans-ilience: The Transgender Stress and Resilience Research Team is led by Dr. Jae A. Puckett, an Associate Professor in Psychology at Michigan State University (MSU). Dr. Puckett is affiliated with the Ecological/Community Psychology program at MSU. Dr. Puckett relocated to MSU from the University of South Dakota (Fall 2018), where the research team was previously organized.
Dr. Puckett has dedicated their career to unraveling the complexities of minority stress and resilience among transgender and nonbinary communities. Their research has garnered prestigious accolades, including the Transgender Research Award from the American Psychological Association and the David Shakow Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Clinical Psychology from the American Psychological Association, Division 12. Dr. Puckett’s work is funded by various organizations, including the National Institutes of Health. As a licensed psychologist in Michigan, Dr. Puckett strives to create a more inclusive and affirming environment for sexual and gender minorities.
Areas of Expertise​​​
Research with Trans and Nonbinary Individuals
Dr. Puckett's research focuses on the unique stressors that impact transgender and nonbinary individuals, the impact of these stressors on health outcomes (including mental health, physical health, substance use, and sexual health), and ways that resilience is experienced in the lives of transgender and nonbinary people. The research team uses quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches to answer research questions in these areas.
Trans-ilience is dedicated to conducting research that is relevant and impactful for the communities that participate in this work. As such, we make sure to incorporate community members throughout the research process. This includes as members of the research team, as well as through our collaborations and the community advisory board that is central to our work. We also strive to bridge research and activism and use research to contribute to positive social change for transgender and nonbinary people.
Dr. Puckett has published over 70 peer reviewed articles in these areas and has presented at numerous regional, national, and international conferences (over 50). Their work has received grant funding from NIH and other outlets. For a full review of their research publications and research record, please see their CV.
Evidence of their leadership in this area includes:
Associate Editor for LGBT Health
Associate Editor for Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Editorial Board for Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health
Editorial Board for International Journal of Transgender Health
Georgia Babladelis Best Paper Award – APA Society for the Psychology of Women
Distinguished Clinical Scholar – Northwestern University
First Place Award for Research Excellence – Chicago LGBTQ Health & Wellness Conference
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Sexual and Gender Minority Clients
Dr. Puckett has expertise in providing and supervising therapy services with sexual and gender minority clients utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions, mindfulness, and acceptance-based strategies. They have received specialized training in working with LGBTQ+ populations, including being in the inaugural cohort of trainees in the LGBTQ+ health internship at Northwestern University, providing services through the Center on Halsted in Chicago for 2 years, and continuing education, such as the Gender Education Network's training on medical gender affirmation evaluations, the Fenway Institute/Harvard Medical School's Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health training, and many others. Regarding supervision, they have overseen the clinical work of approximately 30 trainees, some specializing in LGBTQ+ therapy and others more broadly focused on CBT training. They previously directed the Sexual and Gender Minority specialty services at Michigan State University's Psychological Clinic. They most recently provided therapy services through Wild Ferns Wellness in Lansing, MI from 2021-2024.
Training and Consultation
Dr. Puckett has provided various trainings and educational programs related to research, clinical practice, and inclusivity of LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly transgender and nonbinary people. They are available for leading such programs and trainings and can tailor these to a specific audience's needs. Here is a partial list of the trainings they have provided in the past:
“Wondering if it’ll ever be safe to move home”: Sociopolitical contexts, minority stress, and mental health in transgender and gender diverse communities. Presentation for Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University.
Discrimination and policy issues impacting transgender and nonbinary individuals. Presentation for the Allen Neighborhood Center.
Minority stress and mental health in transgender and nonbinary communities. Grand rounds presentation for University of Kentucky Department of Psychiatry.
Experiences of Non-Binary Graduate Students: What’s Helpful and What’s Not; Webinar Moderator.
Suggestions from trans and gender diverse people for improving health care. Presentation to the Trans Health Collective at Michigan State University.
Competent practice with transgender individuals. Panel presentation for psychiatry residents at Michigan State University.
Transgender and non-binary identities. Presentation to the University of South Dakota SPECTRUM student group.
Transgender and gender diverse identities: Trans 101 & considerations for HIV related care. Presentation to the South Dakota Ryan White Prevention Planning Group.
Clinical and sociopolitical issues facing LGBTQ clients: Mental health professionals as allies and change agents. Full day training at the South Dakota Psychological Association Conference.
​Pronouns: they/them​